Why the Invincible Collective Exists

Kyle Boulay
2 min readNov 17, 2020

Finally, Montreal is proposing a program for entrepreneurs, by enrepreneurs. The Invincible Collective, as part of Bonjour Startup Montreal, is designed to help participating companies get the world-class support they need, when they need it. Less frills and no glam. Just help.

How The Invincible Program Came to Pass

I have to admit that I was skeptical when Patrick Gagné, Valerie Forget, and Joseé Desjardins first approached me to help conceive this program.. I had already been through many different types of programs designed to ‘help’ startups when I was CEO of Bus.com: FounderFuel, the Startupfest Pitch Competition, Y Combinator, and the Lazaridis ScaleUp Program to name a few. All of these programs had been great. Did the world really need another program that will take time from busy entrepreneurs?

We realized that there was a missed opportunity as we worked together and iterated on different program designs. And this was to design a program that was unique in its ability to quickly add value while reducing the odds of entrepreneurs sitting through talks on topics that they were already familiar with. We designed a program that the entrepreneurs can interact with as needed, rather than a time intensive curriculum covering a to z.

The insight: as continuously growing scale-stage entrepreneurs in Montréal, entrepreneurs need to be able to shift gears quickly and deep dive into a given subject in order to get enough information to be thoughtful about their decisions. Information access is not usually the problem. The problem is often the pressure to move fast and not having the time and context to make the best decision. Rarely do scaleup entrepreneurs have time to find the best possible person to speak with about a given topic, stage-consideration or other timely issue. Finding that person takes time and effort. Enter The Invincible Collective.

The Invincible Collective is rapidly building a database of actively available world-class experts on all the topics that matter for scaleups. Our diagnostic process has been designed by two seasoned Montreal entrepreneurs-in-residence. Both have been through the grind and will work closely with participating companies. They will assess their needs and help match them with someone who can add the right type of value. The EIRs work with the companies to set a mandate (goals, timelines, responsibles, etc) and the program funds the relationship with the expert: creating timely, tangible help as entrepreneurs need it.

Today we’re kicking off with great companies like Aerial, AON3D, Automat, Breathe Life, Carebook, Moka, Renorun, and Tracktik. I look forward to keeping you updated on the program as it grows and evolves.

By standing on the shoulders of the people who have come before us, we can help push the Montreal ecosystem a bit further. Paving the way for the next generation to do the same.



Kyle Boulay

Co-founder and former CEO of Bus.com. Passionate about building things and making a difference in people’s lives.