Why I’m Moving On From Bus.com

Kyle Boulay
2 min readJan 24, 2020

I’m stepping down from the company I co-founded and ran as CEO for the past 5 years: Bus.com.

When I founded what started as Sharethebus, with my co-founder Wolf, almost 6 years ago in our Mile End basement studio work space in Montreal, I couldn’t have imagined that we would have made it this far.

During that time we have:

  • Grown our company to almost one hundred amazing people
  • Coordinated, booked and ran thousands of bus trips across every province and every state of Canada & the USA
  • Built the first ever real time booking platform for the charter bus industry
  • Developed one of the most identifiable brands in the space with interest from around the world
  • Generated interest in Montreal from investors around the world
  • Started systemic change that will eventually make people love riding buses again

…amongst many other things.

For Wolf (a travel industry veteran), this was his dream since he was 12. For me, this started as a weekend project that grew into a passionate 6 year adventure. But as the company evolved, so did I. It’s time for the company to bring on a seasoned CEO who can take this company to the next stage and it’s time for me to focus on other projects.

Our goal at Bus has always been to build the biggest bus brand in the world, to bring the bus industry online, and to overhaul the customer experience. An experienced leader will be able to bring this company through the next chapter as Bus grows into the behemoth I know it will become.

I believe strongly in the company’s prospects and will continue to support them in my position as a shareholder. I’m truly grateful to the entire community of supporters who took a chance on Bus in the early days and to the Bus.com team: past, present and future.

As for me, I’m going to enjoy taking some time off and think about what creative pursuit is next.

Want to have a cup of coffee? Reach out at kyleboulay@gmail.com



Kyle Boulay

Co-founder and former CEO of Bus.com. Passionate about building things and making a difference in people’s lives.